Red = Found (and available for trade)
White = Still in search
Bestial Lust - Live In Mexico 1990
Corrupter - Brutal Suicidio Tape 1991
Frightful Cross - Frightfull Abortion (1987)
Death Warrant (Mex) - Satan's Fall (1985)
Death Warrant (Mex) - Metallic Slaughter (1984)
Vomitory (USA) - Vomitory (1992)
Vomitory (USA) - Insides Revealed (1992)
Xtreme Obsession - Obsessed (1990)
Impiety - Tormentors of Tijuana (2007)
Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle - A Ascensao Da Arrogancia, Odio E Intolerancia (2008)
Necrophiliac (Fra) - Abusive Penetrator (1990)
Headhunter D.C. - Brazilian Deathkult Live Violence (live tape,2002)
Brazilian Thrash Massacre, Split 2007 (Wardeath,Slaver,Serial Killer,Beyond The Grave)
Crucial - Solemnity (1992)
Delayed Action Bomb - Beyond the Mirror (1997)
Delayed Action Bomb - Abyssus Abyssum Invocat (1993)
Sarcasm (Svn) - Divja Kri (2003)
Ejaculate - They Are Not Real (1990)
Ejaculate - Germicide (1991)
Exxecutor - Más allá del Infierno (1989)
Heresia - Fall into Dementia (1990)
Fractured Skull - Thrash Till Death (1991)
Fractured Skull - The Dehumanization Process (1993)
Taskforce - Iron Assassins (1987)
Krânio Metálico - Demo (1987)
Behemoth (Bra) - Mallignante Ascencion of Sathanas (1992)
Mandator - Strangled (1993)
Eviternity - Melmacian (1994)
Necrophilos - The Limbo (1990)
Mausoleum (Bra) - O Retorno à Batalha (2000)
Pared Amnion - L-tryptophan (1996)
Pessimyst - Mortal Residue (1991)
Pessimyst - Estranged (1992)
Pessimyst - Self Consumption (1993)
Prepúcio - Demo (ok ok, i'm dreaming.....)
Putrefaccion - Profanation of the Grave (1990)
Death Dies - PseudoChristos (2006)
Real Animal - Divine Perfection...? (1991)
Excavation (Fra) - Rebirth of Ignominy (1999)
Sabbottage - Invierno Nuclear (1993)
Sacristia - Culto na Sacristia (1990)
Sacristia - Corpus Christis (1991)
Sado Massakist - Welcome to the Cult (1991)
Sado Massakist - Satanize the Dead (1992)
Santa Muerte - Relatos en la obscuridad (1991)
Black Angel (Per) - Satanic Rites in Brasil (2009]
Deadly Dark - Slaughter Times (1995)
The Spawn of Satan - Discography (2005)
Speculation - Money Of Aberration (1990)
Subversive - Concepts (1994)
T.M.K. - Symphony of Onanie (1992)
Tempestade H.C.M. - Na União Nós Permanecemos (2007)
Hypocrisy (USA) - Truth of Deception (1989)
Deceiver (Mex) - 1989 - Way Lost (demo)
Deceiver (Mex) - 1991 - Everlasting Phase (demo)
Deceiver (Mex) - ? - Solo (demo)
Midevil (Can) - Unconscious Predator (1990)
Reptil (Mex) - Vive Hasta el Final (1987)
Vociferous (Mex) - God of perversity (1992)